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    Which Programming Language Are You?

    You are Lisp. Very few people like you (Probably because you use too many parenthesis (You better stop it (Reallly)))

    Which Programming Language are You?

    Le he hecho caso a GreenDeath (y sin que sirva de precedente) y he posteado el resultado de la Quiz, que tiene su punto de curiosa, al ser Lisp el lenguaje en el que realizo las rutinas para el AutoCAD, mi programa habitual de trabajo.

    2006-08-22 20:49 | Categoría: Egorias | 7 Comentarios | Enlace

    Referencias (TrackBacks)

    URL de trackback de esta historia http://eledhwen.blogalia.com//trackbacks/42375


    De: Algernon Fecha: 2006-08-23 00:28

    src="http://www.bbspot.com/Images/News_Features/2006/08/language/smalltalk.jpg" width="300" height="90"
    border="0" alt="You are Smalltalk. You like to treat everyone the same way, but this lack of individuality makes everyone feel like objects.">
    Which Programming Language are You?

    Je :D

    De: Algernon Fecha: 2006-08-23 00:28

    You are Smalltalk. You like to treat everyone the same way, but this lack of individuality makes everyone feel like objects.
    Which Programming Language are You?

    De: Estefanía Fecha: 2006-08-23 00:30

    src="http://www.bbspot.com/Images/News_Features/2006/08/language/perl.jpg" width="300" height="90"
    border="0" alt="You are Perl. People have a hard time understanding you, but you are always able to help them with almost all of their problems.">
    Which Programming Language are You?

    NB.- Lo he puesto también en mi blog.

    De: Heimy Fecha: 2006-08-23 01:26

    Que coincidencia... A mí me salió LISP también (en primera instancia). Variando la última pregunta me salían también PHP y Python. Cosas de la vida :)

    De: Estefanía Fecha: 2006-08-23 15:23

    Ooops! No he puesto bien la etiqueta en el comentario 3...

    You are Perl. People have a hard time understanding you, but you are always able to help them with almost all of their problems.
    Which Programming Language are You?

    De: Adanost Fecha: 2006-10-17 20:27

    Uno es de vieja escuela: COBOL

    De: eledhwen Fecha: 2006-10-21 22:52

    Y tanto, Adanost, y tanto...
    Algernon, Estefanía, borraré, si no os importa, la primera versión de vuestros comentarios. Simple cuestión de estética.

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